Friday, November 21, 2008
It's Freakin Freezing!
Now I don’t mind running in cold weather. In fact, my fastest races generally have been when the weather is cold. The temperature at the start of the 2002 Chicago Marathon was 34 and the mercury only made it up a few degrees more by the end of the race. However, the wind was pretty calm and the sun was out, which made for pretty racing conditions. Here in DC, however, we’ve had the unfortunate combination of cold weather and lots of wind, which makes an early evening run feel like an excursion into Antarctica.
What to do? Dress in layers, lots of layers. Most experts recommend that runners wear a base of “high tech” material, a shirt that “wicks” away moisture, followed by either a similar type layer, and finished off with a running jacket or shell. Well, there’s the recommended way, and then there’s the Matt way.
As I prepared to go out for my run last night, I started with a cotton t-shirt, followed by a long-sleeved cotton shirt, followed by a good ole fashion sweatshirt. No high tech materials. No fancy synthetic micro-fiber shirts to wick away moisture. Nope, I went old school, Rocky Balboa-style. I actually own a few pieces of this new fangled high tech running gear, which I always wear for races, but when it comes to training runs and getting back into shape, there’s nothing like going back to basics. Tomorrow morning during my tempo run in Siberia-like conditions, the gray sweatshirt will make another appearance.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Running Shoes and Throw Momma from the Train
You may ask why on earth I keep old pairs of shoes. The 1987 classic comedy movie Throw Momma from the Train, starring Danny DeVito and Billy Crystal, provides the answer. About midway through the movie, DeVito wants to show
In the same way, my shoes look like nothing more than a pile of worn out, well, shoes. When I look at my shoes, though, I see more than laces and cushion, insoles and arch support. What I see is my running history and lots of memories --- finishing my first marathon in Chicago, setting a personal record in the half marathon in New York, walking for the first time after surgery, running the first race in my comeback. Sometimes when my motivation is low and I don’t feel like going out for a run, I’ll look at my old pairs of shoes and usually within a few seconds I’m out the door and making new memories that will last for years to come.

Eight pairs, all Asics!

The Asics GT-2130s
Monday, November 10, 2008
Dispatches from the Road: Phoenix
As most of you know, I tend to do a fair amount of traveling for my job --- about 10-20 trips a year. This week I’m in
Anytime I travel for work, I try to get in a few runs, and this trip is no different, except for the fact that
Somehow during yesterday’s run, I managed to avoid all those nasty little critters. I did, however, see some beautiful rock formations and lots and lots of golf courses. There are also tons of strip malls and retirement communities. My impression of
I have found that running while on travel provides me an opportunity to see and explore a
Monday, November 3, 2008
More Photos from the Rockville 10K
Rockville 10K - It's Morning Again

(For those of you who don’t “get” this post, it’s a take-off on Ronald Reagan’s popular “Morning in America” tv ad from his 1984 re-election campaign. The picture above is from yesterday’s race and I’m the runner on the left hand side wearing a long sleeve shirt and sun glasses.)